Hate your new job? Advice for what Allied Health workers can do next from an experienced recruiter

So, you’ve resigned from your job, started your brand new role and … you hate it.


You wish you had your old job back.

Even more awkward. Or is it?

Here at Medijobs Australia, we are A NO SHAME ZONE. We want Allied Health Professionals across Australia to stop letting their feelings of shame and embarrassment get in the way of their dream jobs.

So, what can you do? Can you get your old job back?

Of course!

Here’s how:

Step 1: Eat some humble pie.

Step 2: Approach your old employer.

Step 3: Negotiate your “new-old role” That’s it! You’re in!

It may amaze you to hear this, but your old employer would probably love to have you back.

Just explain what’s happened.

Maybe you’ve gone out and explored other options and realised it’s not what you thought.

Maybe promises were made that weren’t delivered.

Maybe there’s a personality clash with the new Manager.

Maybe you have a new commute and it’s killing you.

There are so many reasons. Either way, you’d like to go back to your old job.

Honestly, your employer would be a pickle not to take you back because you’re going to work harder than ever now that you’ve got a point to prove.

What if you want your old employer but a different job?

This can work too. You’re entitled to ask for a new role or location, different benefits or working situation. Just discuss this with them, or your recruiter. You’ll never know if you don’t try.


What to do about gaps in your CV?

It’s true that job-hopping and gaps don’t look good on your CV, and yes, it’s unfortunate if you’ve updated your LinkedIn profile, only to change it again a short time later but you know what? Sh!t happens! It doesn’t always work out – people recognise this!

Like we said, we are a no-shame-zone. If you’re really worried, give us or another recruiter a call and we’ll help you move through any embarrassment you might be feeling.


How will redundancies affect you?

The old adage when it comes to redundancies is: last in, first out. So, will this apply to you? Probably not (happy dance!). Sure, you may be the last one hired, but because you can bypass training and induction, you’re very unlikely to be the first one out if there’s a round of redundancies.

Dear Job-seeker – we are here to help. It’s ok to make mistakes.

If you’ve left your job but want it back, get in touch! We’ll talk you through any hesitations you may have, help you approach your old boss and negotiate all the benefits you need to make this the perfect job the second time round. Our services are FREE for job-seekers.

Our collection of 5-star Google Reviews will show you that we are professional, Subject Matter Experts, caring and encouraging. You can do this!

If you’re having the reverse experience, and have taken a counter-offer to STAY at your job but regret it, read our blog on how you can fix this.