
A better way to find a job

We make finding an Allied Health job easy. Less stressful. We do all the work to find you the perfect job for any stage of your career.

Why use Medijobs Australia to find a job?

It’s free!

Jobseekers can work with us for free! We assist Allied Health professionals at any career stage, including studying, new grads, contractors or full- and part-time staff.

We know our stuff

So pick our brains! As specialist Allied Health recruiters, we know the industry inside-out. We can open doors, recognize transferable skills and provide up-to-date salary data.

Someone to talk to

Job hunting is frustrating and lonely, but not with Medijobs. Trust us for honest advice and feedback. Plus we’ll keep you updated on your applications, so you can stop waiting by the phone!

We’re supportive

We hold your hand through resume writing, job seeking, interviews, resigning and negotiations. That’s right – we have no problems asking for money for you. In fact, we’re pretty good at it!

We job seek for you

Don’t waste time on job boards! Contact us and we’ll do all the job seeking admin. All you need to do is turn up and be your awesome self!

Our insider knowledge

You don’t know what you don’t know… but we DO know the full range of industry perks and benefits. We can negotiate a package around YOUR needs by asking for things you never even dreamt were on the table.

Who we find jobs for

Occupational Therapists

  • Find a dream employer who offers perks like in-services and mentoring
  • Make the most of telehealth options
  • Finally work within low billable targets

Medijobs Australia is a FREE jobseeking service for Allied Health professionals.

We make finding a job easy by doing all the hard stuff for you.

Industries we recruit for

Occupational Rehab

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See Jobs

Clinical Services

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See Jobs


See Jobs


See Jobs

Show me the money!

What’s your role really worth?
What benefits are important to you?

  • Salary sacrifice?
  • Pool car?
  • Performance bonus?
  • Paid parental leave for 16 weeks?

What if your employer paid the difference between your ‘real wage’ and the Government maternity leave payments?
Does that float your boat? Call us for a chat.

Book a call to discuss salaries

Our Services


Nothing! Zilch! Our services are free for jobseekers!

While we can’t make promises, we CAN say that we’re fast. In fact, we’ve been known to set up meetings the same day a candidate has gotten in touch with us, leading to an offer by the end of that week!

Yes! The last thing you want is for your current boss to know you’re job hunting! That’s why it’s smart to use a Medijobs recruiter - someone else is contacting employers for you, which saves you a huge amount of stress.

Yes! We often encourage job-seekers to look within their current organisation. You’re entitled to ask for a new role or location, different benefits or working situation. We can coach you through this convo, or have it on your behalf.

We have a fact sheet all about it - you can download it here.

No! We’re happy for you! But for us to help other people find their dream job, it definitely helps if you let us know as soon as possible that you don’t need to attend any more interviews.

You don’t have to, but we always encourage transparency.

When we know how much you currently earn, we can see if your salary is competitive compared to what your industry peers are earning.

And we definitely want to know your salary expectations so we can advocate on your behalf to help you maximise your earning potential. 

Don’t worry, we make money chat very un-awkward!

Probably! We’re happy to put your hat in the ring and work something out with the employer for you.

Yes! We have loads of jobs that let you work from home every now and then, or permanently. Call us to find out more.

A very appealing work perk! Read all about it in this fact sheet.

Heaps. Book in a call and we can share some with you.

An Occupational Rehab Consultant helps people who have been injured or ill return to work. They work with individuals, employers, and insurance companies to develop and implement return-to-work plans. For more info on working in Occ Rehab, check out our factsheet.

A workplace rehabilitation provider is a company that provides services to help injured workers return to work quickly and safely as possible. They provide services including assessment, rehabilitation and return to work planning.

Yes it definitely helps if we know as much info as possible about where you’ve sent your resume. This reduces the chance that we’ll send your resume to someone who already has it.


Contact Medijobs

We love an old-school phone call around here, but if you just can’t stand to chat, send us an email.