Author Archives: admin

How to resign from your Allied Health position like a pro

  Whether you love or loathe your Allied Health job, resigning can be hard! That initial conversation is almost always awkward, and the lead-up can be agonising. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prepare for your resignation to make it slightly less painful (and also serve as a distraction!). Here’s a few: Sign…

EMPLOYERS: How to use recruiters to find great candidates

You’re hiring! Adding a new member to your team can be an exciting, and sometimes stressful time. Working with an expert recruiter will help you find great candidates efficiently and effectively, and they’ll walk you through essential referee checks and negotiations. Here are our tips to get the best out of your recruitment consultant. 1)…

We’re being impersonated by scammers and we need you to be careful

It’s been brought to our attention that Medijobs Australia is being impersonated via WhatsApp messages. A “Mia from Medijoebs Australia” has been contacting potential job-seekers via an International Number and offering to assist them find a role. Frankly, we find this pretty disturbing. We want to spread the word about this as far and wide…

EMPLOYERS: this is why Allied Health candidates don’t want to work for you

In the current state of Allied Health, candidates hold all the power You can always trust us at Medijobs Australia to give you the cold, hard truth! We’re not here to mince words, we’re here to match incredible Allied Health professionals with their dream employers. So, with that in mind, here’s some information we think…

EMPLOYERS: Retained searches are not a good idea. Here’s why.

What is retained search Retained search in recruitment is when a recruiter or recruitment company is paid to find and recruit a candidate for a specific job. A retained search recruiter gets paid at stages of the recruitment process prior to the candidate being placed. This is as opposed to ‘contingency searches’, where a recruiter…

Hate your new job? Advice for what Allied Health workers can do next from an experienced recruiter

So, you’ve resigned from your job, started your brand new role and … you hate it. Awkward. You wish you had your old job back. Even more awkward. Or is it? Here at Medijobs Australia, we are A NO SHAME ZONE. We want Allied Health Professionals across Australia to stop letting their feelings of shame…

How to get qualified to work in Occupational Rehab if you’re an Exercise Physiologist

If you are an ESSA-accredited Exercise Physiologist wanting to work in Occupational Rehab, here’s what you need to know. Benefits of working in Occupational Rehab There are many benefits to working in Occupational Rehab (Occ Rehab), including: It offers flexibility around start and finish times, extra paid leave, Rostered Days off, part-time and contracting work…

How to start working as an Allied Health Assistant (AHA) in Australia

What is an AHA? Allied Health Assistants (AHAs) work under the supervision and delegation of an Allied Health professional to assist with therapeutic and program-related activities. AHAs assist professions such as: Physiotherapists | Social workers | Occupational therapists | Speech pathologists. They play a vital role in providing high quality and safe Allied Health services…

Job-seekers: Yes, you CAN change your mind on a job offer you turned down

Picture this: you’re unhappy at your current place of work. You enlist the help of a reputable recruitment agency with stellar reviews to help you find a new job. It goes well – you receive multiple offers! But when you go to tell your current employer that you intend to resign, they hit you up…